LLQP Practice Exam Series

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Our brand new LLQP practice exam question take-up series.

Hi, everybody. Coach Andre here. In the full suite of LLQP e-learning videos, we cover a wide range of concepts, trainer’s tips, exam writing strategies, and more. In this series, we’re going to focus things a little more and take up specific practice questions found in our online exam preparation tools identified by their unique question ID.

Most videos will be about three minutes long. The study coach will go through the question almost as though they are tackling it themselves. On a real exam, that should only take a few minutes at most.

Full disclosure, we’re going to assume you’ve been working through the course, have a pretty good handle on the content, and are ready to apply what you’ve learned. But if you need a little more help on a given topic, be sure to review the SeeWhy learning study guide, the e-learning video lessons, if you added them to your student account, or the CISRO manual itself.