My LLQP Confession

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Two nuggets of knowledge: Critical illness Insurance/Living Benefit.

Know the Big 4 coverage by heart.

There are also 10 condition contracts, which obviously cover 10 illnesses. And there are even 20 condition contracts.

I have a confession to make. I’ve been a trainer for decades, and I’ve only ever committed Big 4 coverage to memory. I figure it is very reasonable to expect students to memorize four conditions. So that’s what I did back in the day when I was a student. On the other hand, even practicing agents would likely have to look up what’s covered by a 20-condition contract. So I’m not sure students should devote too much time memorizing that list.

I mean, it’s fair game on an exam, but I’d focus on the Big 4.

In the SeeWhy Learning study guide, we offer a great memory aid by promoting a great Canadian charity known as the Heart and Stroke Foundation.