LLQP Exam Writing Tip

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Don’t start by reading the scenario when you have no idea what it’s about. RTQF

Hey everybody. It’s a sunny and shady day here in Muskoka. I’m on vacation about to catch up on some reading.

Apparently, it’s a book about hope.

How do you pick a book when you’re about to go on vacation? You start by reading, I don’t know, word one on page one. Of course not. You probably flip to the back of the book to find out what it’s all about.

I mean, could you imagine if you started reading it thinking it was a love story and it turned out to be a thriller? The same applies to when you’re tackling an application based question. Don’t start by reading the scenario when you have no idea what it’s about.

Go to the end and RTQF. Read the question first.

Now you’re better equipped to read the scenario, and tackle the question.

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